Well. it is
Montessori Monday and I want to make a post but so much is swimming in my head, like my to do list. I actually thought I wouldn't post today but here I am. How about a look beyond our home education?
We are an imperfect bunch being perfected (very slowly) day by day to hopefully to bear fruit for our Lord. I wish I was perfect, I wish I didn't make mistakes, get distracted, loose my patience or yell. But guess what I live in a house with 5 other people so friction is bound to happen when the demands of life stack up on this wife and homeschooling mama. I remind myself that it is only 4 but some days it feels like a whole lot more. I have been in desperate need of encouragement lately in the area of parenting. So yesterday I sat in the warm sunshine and reviewed all of my bible study notes on parenting. Many of the notes on parenting actually just pertained to good old christian living. So after my time of review this is what I came up with for my parenting job description: to teach my children with encouragement and gentleness and to diligently discipline them with careful instruction. It was amazing to me how just spending a small amount of time with my bible notebook, God was able to speak and I could hear. Now, to just put teeth to His instructions. Pray for me.
So, how about that closer look at our life outside home lessons?
Here is hubs. He is the man of most women's dreams and mine. He works hard, cooks and sews and is easy on the eyes.
Making pasta. |
Fresh mozzarella made by hubs.
He also makes wonderful waffles, pancakes, crepes, cinnamon rolls and breads. Hubs wears many hats, he is a civil engineer, Beachbody fitness coach, a tax guy and a ski coach. The ski coaching is all so we can enjoy days like these: |
Our children are close to fearless, it is hard to see the magnitude of this half-pipe. But, they all ski down it, "catching air" when they can. Note the small figure to the right of the picture? That is B. |
Daddy and K. |
B and me. I was once scolded for wearing a sweater with a bow on a ski day. I was told skiing if for old clothes. I think I am sporting the right look now. |
We love a good bargain because we are frugal at heart . All of our equipment was bought used from Craig's list, the thrift store or a local sports exchange.
I love this boy but homeschooling him is just plain hard sometimes and being home taught by me is no cake walk either. Ask him, I'm sure he would agree so we press on toward the prize as iron sharpens iron. He is a handsome lad. |
The beauties of the family. We shop at Winco. It is a lot of work but saves a lot of money. Did I mention we are frugal? Winco and the bulk bins support our financial constraints. Why do I have a picture of my daughters in the grocery store? Project Life of course.
We nap for a long time around here. Our 6 year old still naps every 2 weeks or so. I need the break and so do they. So from 1-3 ish, I strive to have a quiet house so we can all rest.
And if you didn't know it we are small town people and love our purple mountains' majesty. |
So how about you? What is life like outside of homeschooling?
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