Monday, January 18, 2010


I am thankful for: the wonderful white snow falling outside and the chicken on the stove.

I am reading: I just started reading James Dobson's Bringing Up Boys because I am wondering if I am missing something or expecting to much.

Around the house: E and A are learning to vacuum. I finally took the experts advice and grouped my chicken/rooster collection together and I am very pleased with the results.

This is the top of my china hutch.

On the to do list: I have a stack of printouts that need to be glued and cut for file folder games, more blog posts, scrapbooking and this behemoth of a mess, Jay calls it "the Tammy know one knows":

This is the top of my dresser/ night stand. It is a major dumping ground for reading materials, lists and future education plans. Can you spy how many books are on it? Too Many! I need to straighten, dust and trash this whole area and there is even a pile on the bottom that you can't see.

When will I ever learn: to stop throwing these precious gift away (or at least put them in the garage garbage where they won't be found.) I started a box to keep the really special ones in but I have cause one to many protruding lips and vanishing smile.

On the menu: Chicken and Dumplings (Jay's favorite), perfect for a snowy day. I have tried scratch dumplings but the best is Bisquick. And for another night Mexican soup from Ina Garten of Barefoot Contessa.

Something new I am trying: I found this great list the other day and it was such an answer to prayer. Sometimes it feels like my prayers are all over the place and this has given me a focus for praying for my children. It is also neat because it gives me something to share with them each morning and lets them know Mommy is praying for them. It is a list of verses to pray each day of the month. Click here to see.

In the learning loft: We are studying Dinosaurs, Winter, Australia, the 12 disciples and Ben Franklin. We are reviewing the continents and place value. We are starting to experiment with graphing and counting by 2's and 5's.

Quiet Time ponderings: Practicing the Law of Love. I think we are all familiar with the verses that say "Love your neighbor as yourself" but do you know God wants more than that from us? In John 13:34 Jesus says "A new command I give you: Love one another as I have loved you, so you must love one another." Jesus doesn't say love others as long as it works for you or as long as it is easy but he says love one another as I have loved you. Jesus also says never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. So we, striving to be more and more like our savior, ought to never stop loving the people in our lives no matter how difficult. Jesus never gives up on us and we are never to give up on others. In the verses just prior to John 13:34 Jesus is having the last supper with his disciples and he is trying to tell them who is going to betray Him, Judas. Did you catch that Judas, the very one who shows his sinfulness and disloyalty was welcome at the dinner table. Judas, no matter how vile or disloyal was gathered with Jesus and sat among his closest friends. We are to do that in our own lives. No matter how much someone hurts us, we are to gather them among our closest most trusted friends and welcome them at our tables, in our very lives. How? Romans 5:5 says "God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. It is by the Holy Spirit in us that we can love the people Jesus places in our lives. We are to love like Jesus does, not matter the situation, Jesus laid it all down and gave it all up. We are to give up ourselves, our feelings, our concerns, our needs and replace it with the spirit of God and love as He does.

Matt. 7:12 says "so in everything do to others what you would have them do to you." So I ponder as I go through my day how to love the little ones and big ones in my life, as Jesus does. I think of how I want to be treated and cared for and then do in kind to others. Oh how I wish I was more perfect, more like Christ, because I daily miss the mark but yet I ask myself what can I sacrifice so they can have abundant life, what can I give, what can I teach, how must I behave to communicate that I love them and so does our Lord.

Blessings To You All!

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