Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How I Admire Thee, Let Me Count The Ways!

Today is Challenge #5 in the Completing Him Series at Women Living Well. Today I hope to make Jay smile by listing the things I admire most about him, thereby showing, that after almost 11 years I really still do like him. Liking him has always been our joke because when we talk about what initially drew us to one another he always says "you liked me." In the throws of raising young children we forget to show that "like" for one another, so honey let me count the ways:

You can fix anything, and I mean anything. If something breaks I know you will and can fix it, like our deck umbrella, thanks for not giving up.

You have stuck with consistently working out for the last 3 and1/2 years since finding P90x.

You frequently stop what you are doing to attend to my need for something to be fixed, like the vacuum or computer.

You are loyal.

You are reading books to the children and have taught them to pay attention to details.

Your the primary "bathman."

I've never clipped a child's toenail or cleaned a child's ear.

You like to cook.

You will walk, hike, bike or play with your family.

You bring home the "bacon." You do it faithfully and have never let us down.

You are a believer and walker in Jesus Christ.

You are responsible and make things happen.

You watch the children when I need to be alone.

You admire and find value in the Love and Respect Series.

You are married to me and all my moods, sighing and unpleasantness--thanks.

I am sure when I walk away I will think of many more things, so this is just a start--Are you smiling?

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