Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Nature Study -- Canada Geese

Life Learning Center is ready for summer. Our first nature study has been on geese. The pond by our house has several gossling families that we have been watching. The other day we went out to feed them and then we made a nature journal entry. Do you know what a group of goose eggs are called? A clutch. The goose can lay 4-5 eggs at a time and it takes 4 weeks for them to hatch. Geese mate for life and when the family is in line, it is mom in front with dad bringing up the rear as the protector. We love doing nature studies by observing a subject, photographing or drawing it, recording the subject in our journal and reading whatever we can find. YouTube is also great to watch home videos of the subject. We are planning several nature studies for the summer as well as reading, math and copywork.

Emry strikes her best goose pose.

Two handsome fellas.

What a beautiful bird, when it isn't hissing.

A few of the gosslings.

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